What a pain in my neck
About three weeks ago, I started feeling a pain in my neck. It has spread down into my shoulders, my back and down my arm. Don't know what to do with it! I keep thinking it'll go away but it's been three weeks now. I made an appt to see my ortho doctor, Terry Trammell. Dianna says I'm avoiding seeing him because I don't wanna hear what he has to say....Aggravating....
Regardless of that, I've had the best week of this decade! I went on a cruise with my very good friend and PA (personal assistant) Dianna for her 50th birthday! It was a bit of a surprise for her. I originally told her she would be working at a convention all week in Orlando. Instead, we went on a a Caribbean cruise for 7 nights! It was awesome! So relaxing! Just what we both needed. Normally, I wouldn't take a vacation that didn't include my kids but this was worth it! Wow! I appreciate her. She has so much patience with me and the lifestyle I have. It is rare to have people on this earth that loves you unconditionally but also, will be there for you, no matter what, and makes sure you know it! She is that for me.
So what about my pool game? Well, I've taken this bit of time off, gotta find out what's going on with this arm...I want to set a new routine. Office, gym, lunch, pool till 3pm when Chey gets out of school so I can help with homework. Two days a week, I'll have someone else help her and I'll stay in the pool room till 5:30. Then cook dinner and hang out with my kids and then bath and bedtime. I'll also play two hours a day during the babies' naptime on the weekends....
Would I like to play more? Absolutely. But I want to make sure I spend time with my kids in the evenings and weekends and I want to be responsible to my job, which is marketing the Black Widow. Actually, playing pool is a luxury and is still my favorite hobby too!
I called my friend and coach Bob Carman to see if he'll come back to Indy and spend some time with me, training for the next WPBA event in Lincoln City Oregon. I mostly work on my stroke fundamentals. Refining my timing and accuracy. Most people focus on where the cue ball hits the object ball but I also put a lot of focus on where my cuetip hits the cueball. We often get unwanted English that comes from poor stroke fundamentals or not enough attention to exactly where our cuetip strikes the cueball. I tend to work on long straight in drills first because they really tell me how accurate I'm being and I can also see if my cueball has any unintended spin. I'll keep you posted on how it's going. As I get closer to the tournament, I will set up more challenge matches with the better players in town! Thanks all! J
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